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This blog.... really just me transferring a folder of papers - scientific or otherwise - that I give my trainees at the start of their time with me, along with my ISCP profiles and any other (even barely) relevant stuff that I wanted to share. I thought I would put it online, and as things stand it is in an entirely open access format. I welcome any comments, abuse, compliments, gifts etc
This blog has embedded pdf files. They are linked to Google Drive and will not work on computers which deny access to that, such as many NHS workstations. Some browsers are better than others for this, such as Firefox or Chrome. The files can be read within the blogpost or opened separately via the icon in their top right hand corner, which also allows you to download and save them, if you want. It should be tablet and smartphone friendly.


Sunday 27 November 2016

Richard Rothman's lessons learned

If you're fortunate enough to have attended the best arthroplasty meeting in the world, CCJR (Current Concepts in Joint Replacement), either in Las Vegas or Orlando, you may in the past have had the pleasure of hearing Richard Rothman speak.

Rothman is the founder of the Rothman Institute in Philadelphia, a very successful place and in my view, a very high quality one, despite some detractors concerned about "multi-million dollar orthopods". If only.

It's  Rothman's take on a very long career. I draw your attention to the following 5 rules:

1. If in doubt, wait (which fits with Leo Gordon's admonition of 'listen to the surgical gods')
2. Consider what you would do if you were the patient
3. Ask yourself who is best for the job
4. Encourage patients to minimise their risk
5. Avoid jumping from fad to fad. Stick with what works for you

It's worth digesting the whole thing, plenty of it applies to NHS practice.

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