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This blog.... really just me transferring a folder of papers - scientific or otherwise - that I give my trainees at the start of their time with me, along with my ISCP profiles and any other (even barely) relevant stuff that I wanted to share. I thought I would put it online, and as things stand it is in an entirely open access format. I welcome any comments, abuse, compliments, gifts etc
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Sunday, 12 March 2017

The Germans have a word for it

um....nice screws
There is an orthopaedic 'walk of shame', more literally a walk in the old days before digital X rays, when one had to go to the front of the room in the morning trauma meeting to put up the latest X rays of one of your hip dislocations. Every man/woman and his/her dog will then opine confidently on impossible-to-verify topics such as "your cup is too anteverted on that X ray". Their faces betray no hint of sympathy for your pain, and indeed that of the unfortunate patient. Disappointingly, there may be seen traces of joy. Dislocation, being so blatant on X ray, is probably the best example of this meme.

Thanks guys, I never knew you were all so expert on this.

However, they will regret it.

Many years ago, one of my bosses who was an erudite and witty man, and something of a Germanophile, introduced me to the now ubiquitous subject of schadenfreude. I have seen countless examples since then. If guarded against, it induces the salutary virtue of humility, something all doctors, especially surgeons, should cultivate.

Schadenfreude is a human response, but also a human failing. As Leo Gordon tells us in his vivid example below:

The gods of surgery giveth, and the gods of surgery taketh away.

You have been warned.

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